want to link my site to yours? here are a
- an 88x31 badge:
<a href="https://ramen-guy.neocities.org/">
<img src="path/to/ramenguy.png" alt="ramen guy" title="ramen guy!">
make sure to download the image here, and upload it to your site
- please don't hotlink, it can lead to link rot!
- a 150*20 blinkie:
<a href="https://ramen-guy.neocities.org/">
<img src="path/to/greetingsTraveler.gif" alt="ramen guy" title="ramen guy!">
make sure to download the gif here, and upload it to your site
- please don't hotlink, it can lead to link rot!
- a ramen:
<iframe src="https://ramen-guy.neocities.org/embeds/ramen_guardian.html"
style="width:100;height:100;border:0;" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no">
Browser not compatible.
Shoji Meguro - Beneath the Mask -rain, instrumental version-
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